In this day and age we as a society are constantly bombarded with influences from the media . The TV shows we watch, the things we read, and even the music we listen to can have a strong impact on our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Drug use, for example, is illegal in the United States and considered harmful to one's health, yet drug use in the United States is still on the rise, especially in young people. My group wanted to study how the media is effecting people's beliefs on drug use. More specifically we wanted to study how rap music portrays drug use. Is drug use glamorized in rap music, like some scholars have argued? Or is that just one side of the issue? Are there rappers out there making songs that condemn drug use? And if it is found that drug use is glamorized in rap music, how is this glamorization affecting the beliefs and actions of the listener? By studying this topic my group hopes to answer these questions.
This Blog is part of a Communications class at the University of Michigan. For more information on the Communications Department please visit: University of Michigan Communications Department Website